Blue Skies

Using my iPad again. Photo was taken March 7,2017 with same device. I could not see the picture, but it turned out rather well! 

Today, I am thankful for blue skies. The temps are deceiving, they read about 30 and the windchill is truly chilling. Kind of like life right now. Mum looks ok. She is busy and liking being back in her home. I have carted books and yarn from where they were moved back to where she wants them (disheartening). She has her cat and dog back. She is not using her walker. Yet, she has taken in the last 12 hours 4 OxyContin and one high dose nausea pill. She cannot take her shots on her own or some of her other meds and procedures. She thinks she can, but when I let her and check, it has been wrong to the detriment of her health. She is an incredibly strong woman. Her house has issues still with water in the basementregion. The washing machine is not working right and now I have discovered I need to get dishwasher soap. 

And today, I am grateful I can look up beyond the trees and see blue skies do exist. 

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